
We would like to make strides in our community to use more non-plastic items. For example, we could get coffee shops to use tops that don't require straws, or even use paper straws. We could get restaurants to promote bringing metal straws yourself, and serve drinks without straws altogether. We can also switch to paper cups rather than plastic cups. Coffee shops can even sell their own reusable items to make more of a profit and also to become more eco-friendly.
We would like to have bins that are specifically for plastic waste around Castle Rock and inside of shops. That way, people can toss their plastic waste inside of shops, as well as around town when they are on the go or walking around. The plastic that is collected could be make into recycled art or be properly disposed of.
We would like to put some of these proposals into effect with many local shops around Castle Rock so that our town becomes even more sustainable and eco-friendly.